Dear Bloggers!
I am pretty sorry that I have not blogged in a few days. I have been SUPER busy... So busy that I put my blog on the back burner. I know GASP. That never happens I always try to find a few mins to blog everyday. But Wednesday, its just crazy anyways... My day starts at 6:30 AM I get up get ready for 7 AM water aerobics its over at 8, I have to rush home and shower so I can take Micah to little gym at 9:15.... Its a crazy morning. Since Little Gym is 20 mins from our house I try to do my errands I have up there so I don't get home til 12ish. So that is my normal Wednesday. This past Wednesday I had to pick up my mom from the airport so that was more important then the blog. But that took up Wednesday and I was beat and did not feel like writing some crazy funny blog about the airport and all the crazy people there and all the crazy things you have do to fly... and how much money it cost and on and on and on. OH MY I forgot I did go see New Baby Jack at the hospital, you know that baby I made the diaper cake for.... He is CUTE and TINY like 5 lbs. I know crazy tiny.. So that was my crazy Wednesday.
Thursday I tried to clean and got some stuff clean.... YEA. I have people come and clean my house and now its a mess, what is wrong with me !?!?! And I went and got a pedi and my eye brows waxed because it was getting beastly and I have to look decent for the family swim party on Saturday, which we may not go to because....
Friday: HAPPY PIONEER DAY!!! what the crap is Pioneer day... Well its a Mormon holiday to celebrate and remember all the Mormon pioneers. In Spanish Fork it happens to be the city's Festia Days which is just a big celebration with all kinds of crap including a parade and fireworks. Hub had to work so I took my son and our good friends. I am SURE Kerri will post about it.. Because her son got to help in the parade and because my son BARFED all over me, him, and street.... I was so _______ (everything) But I am grateful I lived in Utah for that moment... Because nobody cared people helped because its a family place and people have 6 kids and I am sure all of them have barfed in public at one time. I used all my wipes, newspaper and paper towels... YES one of the people next to us owned one of the business we were sitting in front of and she went in and got some wet paper towels for us. I was so grateful... I will say a prayer for them... THANK YOU. We did leave early....
Why did son throw up... Food allergies... YEP =( I was not thinking and let him eat taffy and I know that it had egg in it. I am feeling pretty awful now. He got me back by throwing up all over me and Spanish Fork. But he is passed out, because I had to give him Benadryl .... I don't talk about my feelings towards his food allergies but it can be a lot to deal with..... But some days I HATE it. I hate that I can't just hand him a PB&J for lunch like most moms. I hate that he can't eat cookies, candies, cakes, and cupcakes. I hate that we can't order pizza when I don't feel like cooking. SO there are many days that I hate it. I also hate cleaning up throw up when it does happen, only 2 times in the 8 months. Thank goodness for ham, cheese, chips, bananas, apples, fruit snacks, fries, gluten free cereal bars, kix, alpha bets cereal and hamburger patties. Those things save my life because not only is hard when you have a picky eater... try having a picky eater that has food allergies.... IT SUCKS. But I deal because that is our life and I don't take it out on him because its not his fault. I hope he is going to grow out of them because he has grown out of the soy and milk alleriges, but we still have eggs, wheat, and nuts. So we deal and eat what we can. On that bummer note... Have a good weekend and I will blog when I can.