Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The phone call..

Dear Readers:

I am amazed at how a 1 min phone call changed the mood of my day...    I was having a very productive day, and I even had gotten up at 6:30 AM...  I called my husband because we had been invited to go somewhere this evening and need to confirm it with him... He was in a meeting and he would call me back.. Thats fine it happens all the time.   then he calls me back and I told him what my deal was and then he told me what his deal was .. That his company had their lay off day and the person he suggested to be laid off had been let go....  I feel SICK..  Yes micah has his job and he is in a position that hopefully we would see major sign before he was let go...  But It still makes me feel horrible because I know this person, its a smaller company and I know many of the co workers and their families. I just feel horrible as does micah, But the company had to re do the budget during these tough times so they can keep going.  I am sure many people are doing this in their lives.    I am probably going to be upset about this for awhile because its hard now, I don't know what we would if Micah lost his job... well I do and I don't want to max out the credit cards we have just paid off.... And lose what little savings we have...   I had felt pretty lucky for the last few months because we did not know anybody that had lost their job or house... But that changed today, and it just makes the bad economy a little more real for me.  And it makes me sad/sick that Micah had a part in it.  I love micah a lot and to know he had to do this kinda work is surreal.  Not that micah is mean and found pleasure in this and I am sure he feels worse then I do ...  

After the shock, I made a realization... pray for this family and I did.   Then I thought of my favorite scripture and I prayed for Heavenly Father to help share it with them... and its DC 100: 12 Therefore, continue your journey and let your hearts rejoice; for behold, and lo, I am with you even unto the end. That scripture is the one that keeps me going.  The one I cling to and say a few times a day.  I don't know what I would do with out.  It brings me peace, joy, strength, comfort, love, and happiness and probably a lot of other feelings, but I LOVE that scripture.    Its a pretty good chapter in the DC about early church missionary work and how the Lord and Holy Ghost will be with you if you keep the commandments and do the things he asks of you.   And its SO EASY to replace those names with my own it makes it more personal and I feel like the Lord is talking to me... Just a thought.. Its something I do..  It just brings it home to me...  

Sorry for the 3 serious Post in a row... I know most of you come here for comic relief .. but I hope I can provide some spiritually relief some times too.  I promise a fun one soon.. I am working/thinking about one for Jon and Kate + 8.  I have some words for them... 

Yours always, 


Jordan said...

You were right...that scripture DID help me today! Thank you for sharing! I am so enjoying these fun little posts you're writing!

BTW...we got final approval on the house today, ready to close tomorrow, BUT the seller decided to leave town and isn't planning on coming home until next Saturday! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT???? They are being SO difficult! Can they do that????

Kerri said...

I actaully really liked seeing your serious and spiritaul side! It is sad and scary to see people losing their jobs.

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